In order to solve a given set of problems, many companies focus on product development and feature provision that experts presume all solutions should have. This is how companies end up with the complex software and shipping solutions that are currently in the market. Perhaps there is a better way to go about things. Here at Horizon, we decided to take a slightly different approach. Not only are we all ears to what our customers suggest, but we also have been continuously crowdsourcing our solutions over the past 19 years in shipping.

However, even crowdsourcing may not be effective unless done in a methodical and organized way. This is why we have taken the “Lean Startup” approach (copyrighted by Eric Ries) and included the methods Dan Olsen describes in his book, The Lean Product Playbook. This is the fourth startup created over the last 19 years at Horizon, and arguably the most exciting one. Olsen’s book provides a blueprint for innovation in any company, large or small.
When we listen, we can make great things happen.
Horizon Technology decided from the very beginning to make the SMB (small/medium business) shippers’ problems drive the FreightPOP solution. Continuous contact with SMB shippers help us fine tune our hypotheses about what problems these shippers are facing. However, after discussing these issues with experts as well as with our shippers, we discovered discrepancies between the two groups because most experts don’t have experience as a shipper.
FreightPOP has taken the problems of the SMB shippers and packaged it in a way that addresses the problems at the core. It is not simply about problem-solving. FreightPOP addresses it all: freight rate shopping, LTL freight quotes, centralized tracking, air cargo, ocean freight, freight reporting, freight invoice auditing and much more to make shipping easy, efficient, and mobile. Using the correct method and technology will help solve the problems of today and tomorrow.
A Buyer's Guide To Shipping Software!
Thanks to Steve Blank’s book, The Startup Owner’s Manual, we have a proven way to discover the problems that businesses face. There are many startups popping up each day, but how many are willing to get the customers involved in the development of the solutions? Those that do put in the work and involve the customers are the ones that make it beyond the startup phase. FreightPOP is in the Customer Discovery phase, and we want to keep you involved. Let’s allow a proven process and the DNA and dedication of Horizon to make FreightPOP the solution to the shipping needs we all face.
What is great UX?
Unlike traditional TMS (Transport Management Systems), FreightPOP is building a shipping app that meets our new-found expectations of technology. We can all thank Apple for paving the road for easy-to-use products and services that work perfectly day in and day out. What is “easy”? Great UX (user experience) characterized by a clean user interface, all-in-one app functionality, and minimum clicks to get what you need.
For more shipping tips, check out our ultimate guide - four eBooks in one!